Category: Psychiatry

Mindfulness as a diagnostic tool, not a treatment

The ongoing COVID crisis in the U.S. has highlighted our broken heath care system. And with it, has come an opportunity to begin to fix the system. Some touted mindfulness as a panacea pre-COVID – suggesting that if clinicians reframed the situations a…

Physicians and the psychological trauma of COVID-19 [PODCAST]

“As COVID-19 devastates America and the world, I hope that fundamental change to our health care system results from its horrific exposé. Without COVID-19, the pressures placed on physicians are already immense. In the age of COVID-19, these pres…

Social isolation in the elderly [PODCAST]

“COVID-19 has rapidly spread across the nation, leading to the implementation of stringent social distancing guidelines by local and regional authorities. In a desperate effort to limit infection rates, in-person social interactions have been red…

A priest, a police officer, and tragedy

He shoved the paper with the address in his pocket. Then he found his little black bag with the oils and other implements for giving what once was called the last rites of the church, but were now termed the sacrament of the sick, and headed off in the…

The withdrawal of effective sexual offender treatment during COVID-19

Public health safety measures in the wake of COVID-19 have transformed healthcare into virtual medicine overnight.  From psychiatry to surgery, all of the medical specialties have adapted technology-enabled virtual appointments.  The support for health…

A physician’s struggle with mental illness [PODCAST]

“Was I that different? I had severe anxiety necessitating medication, compounded by stress, my own narcissistic tendencies, and a series of life choices—but Jason had something much worse. It all gave me pause. I was now twenty-four, just barely …

The genius within a schizophrenic mind

She was naked in her seclusion room — a padded cell — with her gown on the floor and drenched in her urine. I was her nurse. I gave her lithium. She put the pill in her mouth and then spit it at me in my face. Then her tirade began: “I’m Je…

How this physician discovered the power of mindfulness [PODCAST]

“Could COVID-19 be an opportunity that brings the plight of health care professionals finally to the forefront? Protect us so we can protect you.  Do your part and stay home.  Flatten the curve to give health care professionals a chance.  Donate …

COVID illuminates silent fear

It’s scary. Like 9/11, we have a new reference point touching everyone on the planet: life before COVID-19 and life after. Regardless if you get it or don’t, the unknowns and secondary consequences are scary. Life before COVID was scary, to…

Second victim syndrome in the time of COVID-19

Every physician I know has a story about an unanticipated patient event.  A story that was traumatic at the time and easy to now recall in fine detail.  A story that was so impactful that it still haunts them.  When a patient suffers an adverse event, …