Category: Psychiatry

PTSD after medical education

Dear Art: On Friday, June 11, 1982, members of the faculty convened to discuss the performance of the psychiatric residents during the last six (6) months. The following is a summation of their comments as they apply to your performance. The faculty&#8…

By failing to discuss strangulation, we are failing our patients

Six seconds is the amount of time it would have taken for him to render me unconscious. Shortly thereafter, I might have lost my life. One month before I finally found the strength to leave an abusive ex-partner, he rushed at me with unexpected force d…

What does self-compassion look like in your life?

I’ve spent years deeply uncomfortable in my skin. Wanting to disappear. Last night, a wave of anxiety hit me as it often does when the world gets quiet. In tune with my body for a brief moment, my heart ached. Why? I envisioned that moment when w…

Letting grief make you stronger

Grief is powerful and can break your heart for the rest of your life, or you can learn from it and become stronger. Losing a loved one is something that everyone will go through, but not all come out as survivors in the end. It’s part of life, bu…

We’re confusing resilience with grit [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “It’s not that physicians need to be more resilient. We’ve failed to provide them with the goodwill to be human and embrace their “whole selves” (people who are resilient often but no…

Political creep: government intrusion in health care

The American Medical Association (AMA) would have you believe that the biggest threat to the medical profession is “scope creep” – the intrusion of advanced practice providers into medical practice. The way I see it, this is no big deal; th…

The story of a physician, after a year sober

My first COVID vacation last year was spectacular, except that I barely remember three days because I was drinking to the point of amnesia. I am a physician from a multigenerational family of alcoholics, and I never wanted to struggle with alcohol use …

My 5-minute conversation with a suicide hotline expert

Sandy was sent to me by her primary care physician for evaluation of anemia. As I reviewed her chart, I explained to the medical student that the blood work showed a lifelong benign condition called alpha thalassemia trait that she was born with. It ha…

Medical leaders must show their true colors

Color is often used as a metaphor for personality and emotion. Terms like “red in the face,” “feeling blue,” and “green with envy” are etched in the vernacular. Great leadership requires emotional intelligence, and t…

Mental Health Technologies: Revolutionizing technology within the behavior health care field

This article is sponsored by Mental Health Technologies (MHT), a cloud-based platform that enables health care providers to screen and measure mental health and substance abuse disorders. Mental Health Technologies (MHT) brings much-needed technologica…