Category: Public Health

Trump administration working on new COVID-19 guidelines for governors

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Health experts gauge how, when to ease social distancing restrictions

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New York gets 1st Army field hospital, California reports COVID-19 testing backlog + 25 other updates from the 6 hardest-hit states

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Obesity increases risk for COVID-19 complications, data shows

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COVID-19 deaths pass 1,000 in US; 2nd virus cycle ‘inevitable,’ Fauci says

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Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients

Families worry that overwhelmed hospitals won’t be able to provide palliative care for loved ones stricken with COVID-19.

California Isn’t Testing Enough Children For Lead, Prompting Legislation

A recent report by the California state auditor faults two state health departments for failing to ensure that children receive required blood lead tests and for not doing enough to reduce childhood lead exposure in high-risk areas. Lawmakers are proposing several measures to increase testing.

Public Health Officials To Newsom: Lockdown Won’t Work Without Enforcement

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was out front nationally when he ordered nearly all Californians to stay at home to stem the spread of COVID-19. But local officials warn it won’t work without tougher enforcement.

Sheltered At Home, Families Broach End-Of-Life Planning

Barbara Dreyfuss died March 1 after contracting COVID-19 at a Seattle-area nursing home. Her earlier decision to document her final wishes may offer an example for families as the deadly virus spurs interest in end-of-life care.

‘We’re going to be coding dead people’: Hospitals consider do-not-resuscitate order for all COVID-19 patients

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