Category: Social media

It Is Time To Stop Stigmatizing Mental Health Among Healthcare Workers

Over the weekend, healthcare professionals took to twitter to disclose their own mental health histories. This was unprecedented, but barriers to care still remain, including stigmatizing questions on licensing applications. Can we finally change the c…

‘Fauci Will Not Lie’: Politicians, Federal Officials And Celebrities Rally Behind Trusted Voice Of Coronavirus

“Science is your guide—even if it’s politically inconvenient.”

Are negative news cycles and social media injurious to our health?

I am an avid social media user, and a news junkie who watches news religiously, even when the same stories are being recycled every hour and on every major news outlet. I am a proud member of Generation X, the generation that did not grow up with the i…

Cyberbullying Connected To PTSD Symptoms In Victims—And Bullies

Cyberbullying has garnered a lot of research attention in recent years, since it appears to share many of the psychological harms as regular bullying, which itself is linked to negative effects well into adulthood.

A doctor starts her first YouTube channel

I am as nervous about writing this as I was when I first started my YouTube channel. Let me take you back to when I first decided to pursue medicine; I was a senior in high school, deciding between international business school or a pre-med degree. I w…

PENN Medicine Explores Reddit For Peak Of Public COVID-19 Interest

A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are exploring how online message board such as Reddit can be used to track surges in interest and commentary about health topics such as COVID-19.

TikTok in the time of COVID: an unexpected wellness tool for health care workers

I recently discovered an app called TikTok.  From what I can tell, it seems to be used primarily by younger people who record themselves performing short music videos, lip-syncing scenes, or absurdities with their unsuspecting family members and pets. …

TikTok in the time of COVID: an unexpected wellness tool for health care workers

I recently discovered an app called TikTok.  From what I can tell, it seems to be used primarily by younger people who record themselves performing short music videos, lip-syncing scenes, or absurdities with their unsuspecting family members and pets. …

Unacast Grades The ‘States’ Of Social Distancing With COVID-19 Report Card

As Coronavirus social distancing continues amid the first halting steps toward reopening society, there’s a debate simmering on what the reaction should be to someone who flaunts the CDC’s “six feet apart” guidelines or outright rejects ant concept of …

University Of Pennsylvania Researchers Map COVID-19 Hotspots Through Tweets

Penn A team of researchers here has been collecting tweets in the United States related to the COVID-19 outbreak to help map hotspots by keeping an eye on the symptoms mentioned.