Category: Trump Administration

Hospital Prices Just Got a Lot More Transparent. What Does This Mean for You?

Under a rule that kicked in Jan. 1, hospitals are required to make public the prices they negotiate with insurers. That’s a lot more information than was previously required, which was only the posting of “chargemasters” — the hospital-generated list prices that few consumers or health plans actually pay.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: 2020 in Review — It Wasn’t All COVID

The coronavirus pandemic colored just about everything in 2020. But there was other health policy news that you either never heard or might have forgotten about: the Affordable Care Act going before the Supreme Court with its survival on the line; ditto for Medicaid work requirements. And a surprise ending to the “surprise bill” saga. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Sarah Karlin-Smith of Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.

As Biden Gets Sworn In, White House Will Get Scrubbed Down

Fears about lingering coronavirus at the White House are prompting a massive disinfection initiative before the Bidens move in.

Lie of the Year: The Downplay and Denial of the Coronavirus

It’s no worse than the flu, and other deadly disinformation about the coronavirus

Trump’s Wrong. 15% ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Not on Par With Strength of a Vaccine

Experts agree that more than 70% of a population needs to be inoculated to reach “herd immunity.”

Trump Plan May Set Clock Ticking on Many Health Rules — Setting Off Alarms

The Department of Health and Human Services has proposed that the new administration review about 2,400 regulations that affect tens of millions of Americans, on everything from Medicare benefits to prescription drug approvals. Those not analyzed within two years would become void.

Trump Rule Gives Small Companies a New Tool to Help Workers Buy Health Coverage

Instead of taking on the expense of traditional health plans, some small businesses are setting up an “individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement” that allows them to give workers money to put toward comprehensive coverage on the individual insurance market. But consumer advocates are concerned they may shortchange some workers.

How Pharma Money Colors Operation Warp Speed’s Quest to Defeat COVID

A Trump administration maneuver allows executives who are leading the federal effort to keep investments in drug companies that would benefit from the pandemic response.

KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Transition Troubles Mount as COVID Spreads

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly around the U.S. even before Thanksgiving promises to accelerate the trend. There are two promising vaccine candidates, but because President Donald Trump still refuses to concede the election and is holding up the official transition, President-Elect Joe Biden and his team cannot access plans for distributing those vaccines. Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Trump’s Lame-Duck Status Leaves Governors to Wing It on COVID

As coronavirus cases surge, state officials can’t afford to wait for a new president to take office before taking action. But some governors’ initiatives seem to be little more than policy tweaks or symbolic gestures.