Amanda Michelle Gomez

Author's posts

Lifting DC’s Strict Indoor Mask Mandate Triggers Mix of Confusion, Anxiety and Relief

Some business owners, wondering whether it’s too soon to ease the requirement, long for more guidance and support from the mayor.

Texas Providers See Increased Interest in Birth Control Since Near-Total Abortion Ban

But providers do not expect contraception to blunt the law’s effects.

DC’s Harllee Harper Is Using Public Health Tools to Prevent Gun Violence. Will It Work?

Expectations are high for the city’s first-ever gun violence prevention director to curb the surging murder rate with interventions outside of traditional law enforcement.

The Public Backs Medicare Rx Price Negotiation Even After Hearing Both Sides’ Views

But Americans generally have little confidence that the White House or Congress will recommend the right thing, a new poll shows.

Ask KHN-PolitiFact: Is My Cloth Mask Good Enough to Face the Delta Variant?

Public health experts increasingly urge people to upgrade to surgical masks, but also maintain that cloth masks still offer protection.

V-Safe: How Everyday People Help the CDC Track Covid Vaccine Safety With Their Phones

V-safe is a new safety monitoring system that lets anyone who has been vaccinated against covid-19 report possible side effects directly to federal health officials. Experts believe the smartphone tool has so far helped demonstrate the vaccines are safe.

Covid Politics and Fatigue Work Against Contact-Tracing Foot Soldiers

Local health officials find themselves once again behind the covid curve as the delta variant drives their case counts. With resources already stretched, along with the politicization of covid-19, county and state health departments in places like Missouri and Texas are making tough calls on whom to trace.