Aneri Pattani

Author's posts

Health Workers Unions See Surge in Interest Amid Covid

Many front-line health workers who have faced a perpetual lack of PPE and inconsistent safety measures believe the government and their employers have failed to protect them from covid-19.

For Health Care Workers, The Pandemic Is Fueling Renewed Interest In Unions

Many front-line health workers who have faced a perpetual lack of PPE and inconsistent safety measures believe the government and their employers have failed to protect them from COVID-19.

Amid COVID and Racial Unrest, Black Churches Put Faith in Mental Health Care

Black Americans are less likely to receive mental health treatment than the overall population. But as needs soar this year, faith leaders are tapping health professionals to share coping skills churchgoers and the community can use immediately.

Despite COVID Concerns, Teams Venture Into Nursing Homes to Get Out the Vote

In North Carolina, staffs at nursing homes and assisted living facilities are prohibited by law from helping residents vote. So community members fill the gap, venturing into some of the places hit hardest by the coronavirus.

Progressive Group Highlights Trump, Tillis Weakness on Insulin Price Tags

The progressive Change Now PAC launched a campaign ad, which also circulated on Facebook, criticizing President Donald Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) for not “fighting” for people with diabetes who struggle with the high cost of insulin.

Sleepless Nights, Hair Loss and Cracked Teeth: Pandemic Stress Takes Its Toll

Reports are on the rise regarding excruciating headaches, stomach upsets for weeks on end, sudden outbreaks of shingles and flare-ups of autoimmune disorders. A common thread among the complaints, one that has been months in the making, is chronic stress.

Corralling the Facts on Herd Immunity

The term “herd immunity” has found its way into politicized discussions about how to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. But what does it actually mean? And does it work?