Patricia Kime

Author's posts

‘Forever Chemicals’ in Thousands of Private Wells Near Military Sites, Study Finds

New research finds that private wells near more than 82% of select military sites were contaminated with PFAS chemicals.

US Military Says National Security Depends on ‘Forever Chemicals’

PFAS chemicals are found in hundreds of products and weapons used by the U.S. military. Defense Department officials say a blanket ban on these man-made substances would threaten military readiness.

Defense Department Health Plan Cuts Its Pharmacy Network by Nearly 15,000 Outlets

Many of the pharmacies were small, independent operations that had decided not to participate next year because of the lowered reimbursement being offered. But they were surprised by an early dismissal, and some patients with specialized drug needs could face difficulties in the transition.

To Vaccinate Veterans, Health Care Workers Must Cross Mountains, Plains and Tundra

Veterans Affairs officials are flying COVID-19 vaccines to remote locations in Montana and Alaska to quickly inoculate rural veterans before the drugs expire.

VA Joins Pentagon in Recruiting Volunteers for COVID Vaccine Trials

The Department of Veterans Affairs hopes to enroll 8,000 people in advanced-stage trials of four leading vaccine candidates. The Defense Department earlier announced plans to enlist 3,000 volunteers in trials.

COVID-19 Brings Overhaul Of Military Health Care To A Halt

The military is called to action to battle the pandemic, even as the numbers of people infected among its ranks and veterans climb amid a shortage of doctors and nurses.