Category: Bill Of The Month

Out for Blood? For Routine Lab Work, the Hospital Billed Her $2,400

Convenient as it may be, beware of getting your blood drawn at a hospital. The cost could be much higher than at an independent lab, and your insurance might not cover it all.

When That Supposedly Free Annual Physical Generates a Bill

Completing a routine depression screening questionnaire during an annual checkup is cost-free under federal law. But, as one woman discovered, answering a doctor’s follow-up questions might not be.

She Received Chemo in Two States. Why Did It Cost So Much More in Alaska?

A breast cancer patient who received similar treatments in two states saw significant differences in cost, illuminating how care in remote areas can come with a stiffer price tag.

She Paid Her Husband’s Hospital Bill. A Year After His Death, They Wanted More Money.

A widow encountered a perplexing reality in medical billing: Providers can come after patients to collect well after a bill has been paid.

His Anesthesia Provider Billed Medicare Late. He Got Sent to Collections for the $3,000 Tab.

Medicare was supposed to cover the entire cost of his procedure. But after the anesthesia provider failed to file its claims in a timely manner, it billed the patient instead.

A Mom Owed Nearly $102,000 for Hospital Care. Her State Attorney General Said to Pay Up.

As politicians bash privately run hospitals for their aggressive debt collection tactics, consumer advocates say one North Carolina family’s six-figure medical bill is an example of how state attorneys general and state-operated hospitals also can harm patients financially.

The Hospital Bills Didn’t Find Her, but a Lawsuit Did — Plus Interest

Recovering from emergency gallbladder surgery, a Tennessee woman said she spent months without a permanent mailing address and never got a bill. She was sued by the health system two years later.

He Returned to the US for His Daughter’s Wedding. He Left With a $42,000 Hospital Bill.

After emergency surgery, an American expatriate with Swiss insurance now carries the baggage of a five-figure bill. Costs for medical care in the U.S. can be two to three times the rates in other developed countries, so foreigners and expats with good insurance in their home countries need travel insurance to protect themselves from “crazy prices.”

Expectant Mom Needed $15,000 Overnight to Save Her Twins

Doctors rushed a pregnant woman to a surgeon who charged thousands upfront just to see her. The case reveals a gap in medical billing protections for those with rare, specialized conditions.

ER’s Error Lands a 4-Year-Old in Collections (For Care He Didn’t Receive)

A Florida woman tried to dispute an emergency room bill, but the hospital and collection agency refused to talk to her — because it was her child’s name on the bill, not hers.