Category: Health Industry

Thousands of Doctors’ Offices Buckle Under Financial Stress of COVID

Across the nation, primary care practices that were already struggling are closing, victims of the pandemic’s financial fallout. And this is reducing access to health care, especially in rural and other regions already short on doctors.

Rural Areas Send Their Sickest Patients to Cities, Straining Hospitals

Critically ill rural patients are often sent to city hospitals for high-level treatment, and as their numbers grow, some urban hospitals are buckling under the added strain. Meanwhile, mask-wearing and other pandemic prevention measures remain spotty in rural counties.

Need a COVID-19 Nurse? That’ll Be $8,000 a Week

A shortage of nurses has turned hospital staffing into a sort of national bidding war, with hospitals willing to pay exorbitant wages to secure the nurses they need. That threatens to shift the supply of nurses toward more affluent areas.

Florida’s New Hospital Industry Head Ran Medicaid in State and Fought Expansion

The state’s hospital association in September picked Mary Mayhew to be its new CEO. While leading the state Medicaid office, she was a vocal critic of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion program.

Government-Funded Scientists Laid the Groundwork for Billion-Dollar Vaccines

Drugmakers will walk away with massive profits, but much of the pioneering work on mRNA vaccines was done with government money.

Long-Term Care Workers, Grieving and Under Siege, Brace for COVID’s Next Round

As the coronavirus surges around the country, workers in nursing homes and assisted living centers are watching cases rise in long-term care facilities with a sense of dread. Many of these workers struggle with grief over the suffering they’ve witnessed.

Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine

The drugmaker says its mRNA vaccine worked in 90% of patients in its trial, but some observers question how long immunity will last and who will benefit.

‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions

Frequently employed by staffing agencies based in other states, nurses and other healthcare professionals can find themselves working through crisis without advocates or adequate safety equipment.

‘His Lies are Killing my Neighbors’: Swing-state Health Workers Try to Defeat Trump

Furious over Republicans’ handling of the pandemic, Wisconsin health care workers are speaking out against the president — and running for office.

Hospitalized? You Can Still Vote in Most Parts of the Country

Hospital staff in states such as California and New York can help patients obtain ballots and vote. In other states, you need a relative to assist you.