Category: Insurance

Thinking About An Association Health Plan? Read The Fine Print

Federal officials say loosening the regulation of these plans will offer small businesses a more affordable health insurance option, but critics are wary.

Gawande’s Goal Is Providing The ‘Right’ Health Care In New Venture By 3 Firms

The surgeon and writer has been named to head a project by Amazon, Bershire-Hathway and JP Morgan to reduce health costs. He said he wants to help doctors “do the right thing” in delivering care.

Rx: Zucchini, Brown Rice, Turkey Soup. Medicaid Plan Offers Food As Medicine.

A small group of insurers offers some members with serious illnesses medically tailored meals to improve their health.

How Has the Health Law Affected You?

This has been a huge year for the law known as Obamacare. Tell us your story of how the health law has affected you.