Category: Kaiser Health News

Outnumbered on High Court Nomination, Democrats Campaign for a Different Vote

Rather than prosecuting their case against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are refighting the war that won them seats in 2018 — banging on Republicans for trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

COVID Crackdowns at Work Have Saved Black and Latino Lives, LA Officials Say

Strict enforcement of coronavirus protocols at factories and shops where some of the worst outbreaks have occurred has reduced the racial and ethnic disparities in COVID deaths and illness, say public health officials. They want to expand the effort by creating workplace safety councils.

As Californians Get Older and Less Mobile, Fires Get Hotter and Faster

Retirement areas are increasingly being built in the idyllic wooded fringe of towns and cities. Being close to nature also means being in the path of wildfires.

Making Money Off Masks, COVID-Spawned Chain Store Aims to Become Obsolete

A new chain of stores is spreading in malls across America, just like the disease that is giving it business. COVID-19 Essentials is selling masks and all the gear needed to stay safe — and the owner can’t wait to go out of business.

Pence Said Biden Copied Trump’s Pandemic Response Plan. Pants on Fire!

The vice president went on to point out the underlying philosophical differences between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden regarding their approaches to COVID-19.

‘No Mercy’ Chapter 3: Patchwork of Urgent Care Frays After a Rural Hospital Closes

Fort Scott, Kansas, went without an ER for 18 days, after the local hospital shut down. Documenting local trauma during that “dark period” helped investigative reporter Sarah Jane Tribble unravel some of the complications that come after a rural hospital closes.

Black Doctors Work to Make Coronavirus Testing More Equitable

The Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium has increased access to coronavirus testing in the Philadelphia region, testing more than 10,000 people. The group’s mobile unit and pop-up testing sites also offer patients an opportunity to connect with African American health care providers.

New Moms Behind Bars Get Help From Someone Who’s Been There

Nina Porter of Indiana spent most of her adulthood behind bars, even raising an infant daughter in prison. Now out of prison, she’s drawing on her struggles to create a program that helps other moms get by in a sometimes unwelcoming post-prison world.

COVID Takes Challenge of Tracking Infectious College Students to New Level

Amid a surge of college coronavirus cases, some local and state health departments have been scrambling to properly trace contacts and assign cases across state and county lines.

With Senate Control at Stake, Trump and COVID Haunt Ernst’s Fight to Keep Her Seat

In less than six years, Sen. Joni Ernst has gone from being a rising star in the Republican Party to running neck and neck against a political newcomer. A poll last month showed more than 1 in 3 Iowa voters think Ernst’s relationship to President Donald Trump is “too close,”  and her comments about the coronavirus death toll sparked a backlash.