Category: Nutrition

Congress Approves Boost In Food Aid For Seniors But Funding Falls Short Of Growing Need

Congress passed legislation Wednesday reauthorizing the Older Americans Act, which provides for home-delivered and group meals. Although proposed funding increases are substantial, they still don’t keep up with the nation’s growing senior population.

As VA Tests Keto Diet To Help Diabetic Patients, Skeptics Raise Red Flags

The Department of Veterans Affairs is partnering with Virta Health, a California startup that offers remote coaching and monitoring for people with Type 2 diabetes to help them follow the ultra-low carbohydrate diet.

Prime Male Review – Can Testosterone Boosters Take It Further?

Verdict of the Product Our Prime Male review seeks to test and dissect the Prime Male supplement, analyse its effects, safety, and potency, and provide […]

Testofuel Review – Ready to Be a Better Man?

Verdict of the Product Our extensive Testofuel review revealed some well known facts about the product while also exposing some additional advantages not previously well […]

What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?

The Affordable Care Act has been on the books for nearly a decade. Parts of it have become ingrained in our health system ― and in our everyday life. But this could change, depending on a long-awaited 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding the law’s constitutionality.

Promising Greater Safety, A Tiny Widget Creates Chaos For Tube Feeders

A standard connector for feeding tubes was supposed to improve patient safety by preventing accidental misconnections to equipment used for IVs or other purposes. But critics say the design instead could keep patients from real food and inadvertently creates a host of new risks, including for vulnerable premature infants.

What if people were only allowed to use food assistance dollars to buy healthy food?

One of my elderly relatives was in line at the grocery store one day and saw the person ahead of him, charging what looked like a cart full of junk food to her food assistance card. My relative was incensed: Why, should his hard-earned tax dollars be u…

‘Food Pharmacies’ In Clinics: When The Diagnosis Is Chronic Hunger

It’s hard to manage chronic conditions without a steady source of healthy food. That’s why more health care providers are setting up food pantries — right inside hospitals and clinics.

Drug Deals And Food Gone Bad Plague Corner Stores. How Neighbors Are Fighting Back.

Corner stores that provide groceries for those using the federal food stamp program have become magnets for violence just outside St. Louis. Gunshots ring out under the cover of darkness, windows are postered over, and the quality of food doesn’t make a trip to the corner store worth the risk. Now local residents are putting their feet down.

Niacin: A Guide to This Special B Vitamin

Also known as B3 or Nicotinic Acid, Niacin is a water soluble B vitamin that helps to rebuild your nervous system and turns carbohydrates into […]