Category: states

They Cared for Some of New York’s Most Vulnerable Communities. Then 12 Died.

Immigrant health workers help keep the U.S. health system afloat — and they’re dying of COVID-19 at high rates.

Republican Convention, Day 2: Pomp, the Pandemic and Planned Parenthood

Tuesday night’s speakers offered positive views on President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. The first lady and Trump, himself, took advantage of the trappings of the White House in setting the scene.

Feeling Anxious and Depressed? You’re Right at Home in California.

In a series of July U.S. Census Bureau surveys, nearly half of California adult respondents reported levels of anxiety and gloom typically associated with diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder, a stunning figure that rose through the summer alongside the menacing spread of the coronavirus.

LA Hospital Seeks Vaccine Trial Participants Among Its Own High-Risk Patients

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center serves patients who are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus: They are essential workers, have chronic diseases and are members of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. When the safety-net hospital kicks off enrollment for its COVID-19 vaccine trial Wednesday, it will look to those patients to participate.

Wildfires Provide Another Reason to Mask Up

As the long U.S. fire season gets underway, it’s even more important for Western residents to have a good face mask. Unfortunately, most of the masks we’re wearing for COVID-19 aren’t great for smoke.

Veteran’s Appendectomy Launches Excruciating Months-Long Battle Over Bill

An uninsured Colorado man owed $80,232 after two surgeries — the second to correct a complication from the first. After months of negotiating with the hospital, he still owes far more than most insurers would pay for the surgery he had.

Is Cuomo Directive to Blame for Nursing Home COVID Deaths, as US Official Claims?

New York’s governor directed nursing homes to take COVID patients. But is it fair to say he “forced” them to do so, or that his directive led to the deaths of thousands of elderly residents? Most public health experts say no.

Is Cuomo Directive to Blame for Nursing Home COVID Deaths, as US Official Claims?

New York’s governor directed nursing homes to take COVID patients. But is it fair to say he “forced” them to do so, or that his directive led to the deaths of thousands of elderly residents? Most public health experts say no.

DeSantis Says COVID Is a Lower Risk for School-Aged Kids Than Flu

Although it is still early, available numbers provide backup.

California’s Data Failures Stymie Efforts to Curb the Virus

Counties say the ripple effects of the state’s COVID-19 data failures are impeding their ability to slow the spread of the coronavirus, even as they must make life-or-death decisions about business and school reopenings.