Category: states

Extending ‘Healthspan’: Brain Scientists Tap Into The Secrets Of Living Well Longer

New thinking about aging spins on how to stay free of chronic illnesses and cognitive decline later in life.

Hospital Group Mum As Members Pursue Patients With Lawsuits And Debt Collectors

The influential trade association has said little over the years as health systems, including those of its own trustees, seized patients’ incomes and assets. Now it is reevaluating.

Hospital Group Mum As Members Pursue Patients With Lawsuits And Debt Collectors

The influential trade association has said little over the years as health systems, including those of its own trustees, seized patients’ incomes and assets. Now it is reevaluating.

Coping With Loss Of Hospital, Rural Town Realizes: We Don’t Need A Hospital

It’s been about a year since the hospital in Fort Scott, Kan., closed. The lessons for this community about meeting its residents’ health needs could provide insights for the rest of the country.

Texas Law Highlights Dilemma Over Care For Patients With No Hope Of Survival

The Texas Advance Directives Act gives hospitals the authority to stop life-sustaining support if another hospital won’t accept the patient. The family of Tinslee Lewis, a 10-month-old with serious medical problems, is fighting to keep her in hospital care.

California Attempts To Revive Compassionate Cannabis Programs

After the state legalized recreational marijuana in 2016, new taxes and regulations decimated an ad hoc network that had donated cannabis for medical purposes to patients who could not afford it. A recent law seeks to revive the network, but hurdles remain.

Loophole Averted After Surprise-Bill Brouhaha In Texas

The Texas Medical Board bowed out of the rule-making process for a new law protecting consumers from surprise medical bills. Advocates hailed the new rules written by the state insurance regulators.

From Clinic To Courtroom, Fighting For Immigrant Health Care

Jane Garcia is CEO of La Clínica de La Raza, which operates more than 30 clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area serving a high percentage of immigrant patients. She has challenged state and federal immigration policies in court, including the Trump administration’s recent attempt to expand the “public charge” rule.

Border Fight: Trump’s Plan To Import Cheaper Drugs From Canada Faces Hurdles

The administration’s proposed rule to allow states to bring in prescription medications isn’t expected to provide immediate relief.

Don’t Toss That E-Cig: Vaping Waste Is A Whole New Headache For Schools And Cities

E-cigarettes may look sleek, but they create toxic trash, especially at high schools where vaping is widespread. Disposable nicotine pods can be poisonous, and vape pens contain batteries and metals. Safely disposing of them can mean a trip to the local recycling center.