Category: states

A ‘Payday Loan’ From a Health Care Behemoth

UnitedHealth Group is the largest health insurer in the United States. And it keeps growing. This has led some health care experts to call for antitrust regulation of this “behemoth” company.

A ‘Payday Loan’ From a Health Care Behemoth

UnitedHealth Group is the largest health insurer in the United States. And it keeps growing. This has led some health care experts to call for antitrust regulation of this “behemoth” company.

As Fewer MDs Practice Rural Primary Care, a Different Type of Doctor Helps Take Up the Slack

The number of DOs is surging, and more than half of them practice in primary care, including in rural areas hit hard by doctor shortages.

Recovery From Addiction Is a Journey. There’s No One-and-Done Solution.

Drug use has become a major public health crisis, but effective treatment remains hard to find. It does exist though. Columnist Bernard J. Wolfson offers advice on finding help and says not to expect a quick solution.

California Confronts the Threat of ‘Tranq’ as Overdose Crisis Rages

California officials are stepping up efforts to combat the spread of xylazine, a powerful animal sedative that’s increasingly being used by people, often with devastating results. It’s mostly been an East Coast phenomenon, but ‘tranq,’ as it is known, is beginning to appear in the Golden State.

The Gun Violence Epidemic Is ‘Locking Us Back in Our Room’

As the leading cause of death for teens, firearm injuries are detrimental to more than just physical health. It takes a major toll on young people’s mental health.

More States OK Postpartum Medicaid Coverage Beyond Two Months

Montana, Alaska, Mississippi, Missouri, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming are among the latest states moving to provide health coverage for up to a year after pregnancy through the federal-state health insurance program for low-income people.

As Medicaid Purge Begins, ‘Staggering Numbers’ of Americans Lose Coverage

In what’s known as the Medicaid “unwinding,” states are combing through rolls to decide who stays and who goes. But the overwhelming majority of people who have lost coverage so far were dropped because of technicalities, not because officials determined they are no longer eligible.

Health Care Coalition Jockeys Over Medi-Cal Spending, Eyes Ballot Initiative

KFF Health News has learned that a coalition of doctors, hospitals, insurers, and community clinics want to lock in a tax on health insurance companies to draw in extra Medicaid funding. It also wants to make the tax permanent.

California Governor and Democratic Lawmakers at Odds Over Billions in Health Care Funds

Gov. Gavin Newsom is getting pressure from his political allies to begin spending money on health care that the state raised by fining Californians who go without health insuance. But Newsom says the state can’t afford to.