Michelle Andrews

Author's posts

Enough to Wreck Their Rest: $10,322 for a Sleep Study

The University of Miami Health System charges a truck driver six times what Medicare would pay for an overnight test.

Trouble Managing Money May Be an Early Sign of Dementia

Long before they receive a dementia diagnosis, many people begin to mismanage their finances as their memory, organizational skills and self-control falter.

Lots of Health Insurance Help in Covid Relief Law — But Do Your Homework First

Democrats’ $1.9 trillion covid relief package will offer some of the most significant help for Americans to pay for health insurance in a decade. But the temporary provisions are complicated. KHN offers tips for consumers.

Sorting Out How Politics, Policies Figure in Flap Over New York Nursing Home Covid Death Rates

The debate begins with the covid death tallies. But the issues go beyond basic numbers.

‘I Wanted to Go in There and Help’: Nursing Schools See Enrollment Bump Amid Pandemic

Enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs reportedly grew nearly 6% percent in 2020.

The ACA Marketplace Is Open Again for Insurance Sign-Ups. Here’s What You Need to Know.

On Monday, the federal insurance exchange reopened for an unusual midyear special enrollment period. People who are uninsured can buy a plan, and those who want to change their marketplace coverage can do so. Here are some answers about how it works.

As Biden Reopens ACA Enrollment, Are You Eligible To Sign Up Or Switch Health Plans?

The federal insurance exchange, HealthCare.gov, has reopened for changes and new sign-ups until May 15. But states with their own exchanges have different rules. Here’s what you need to know.

After a Decade of Lobbying, ALS Patients Gain Faster Access to Disability Payments

In late December, then-President Donald Trump signed a law that eliminates — only for people with Lou Gehrig’s disease — the required five-month waiting period before benefits begin under the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Gaining SSDI also gives these patients immediate Medicare health coverage.

ALS Patients To Gain Quicker Access To Disability Benefits And Medicare

Lou Gehrig’s disease can take months to diagnose, then rapidly incapacitate patients, leaving many families bankrupt before disability payments and Medicare kick in. A recent law aims to change that.

Many Health Plans Now Must Cover Full Cost of Expensive HIV Prevention Drugs

Most private insurance will be required to cover drugs, like Truvada, that offer protection against HIV infection, without making plan members share the cost.