Category: California

Health Clinic Workers Brush Up on Constitutional Protections as Immigration Raids Loom

Clinic administrators describe anxiety about President Donald Trump’s move to allow immigration arrests inside health centers.

Los Angeles County Has Cut Homelessness, but Wildfires Threaten To Erase That Gain

As Los Angeles recovers from historic wildfires, both previously unsheltered and chronically homeless people are facing even greater instability. Some lawmakers and providers argue now is the time to put in even more resources to maintain the progress the county and state have made in fighting the crisis.

Deny and Delay? California Seeks Penalties for Insurers That Repeatedly Get It Wrong

A state lawmaker wants health insurers to disclose denial rates and explain those denials as anger grows over rising costs and uncovered medical care. If the bill is signed into law, health experts say, it could be one of the boldest attempts in the nation to rein in denials.

Top California Democrats Clash Over How To Rein In Drug Industry Middlemen

Frustrated by spiraling drug costs, California lawmakers want to increase oversight of pharmaceutical industry intermediaries known as pharmacy benefit managers. It’s unclear whether they can persuade Gov. Gavin Newsom to get on board.

Kaiser Permanente Back in the Hot Seat Over Mental Health Care, but It’s Not Only a KP Issue

Mental health workers on strike in Southern California say Kaiser Permanente is woefully understaffed, its therapists are burned out, and patients are often denied timely access to care. The insurer says it has largely fixed the problem. But across California and the nation, mental health parity is still not a reality.

California Housing Officials Recommend State Protect Renters From Extreme Heat

State officials say homes should be able to be cooled to a safe indoor air temperature of 82 degrees. The legislature will now take up the report.

For California Farmworkers, Telehealth Visits With Mexican Doctors Fill a Gap

The MiSalud app enables Spanish-speaking users in the U.S. to meet virtually with health professionals in Mexico via a smartphone app. At Taylor Farms in Salinas, California, the novel program has been a hit.

As States Diverge on Immigration, Hospitals Say They Won’t Turn Patients Away

California and Massachusetts are teaching immigrants their rights while Florida and Texas are collecting patients’ immigration status. As states offer differing guidelines for interacting with immigrant patients, hospitals around the U.S. say they won’t turn people away for care because of their immigration status.

New California Laws Target Medical Debt, AI Care Decisions, Detention Centers

California has a few major changes coming to its health policy landscape in 2025. New laws that took effect Jan. 1 ban medical debt from credit reports, allow public health inspections of private immigration detention centers, and ban toxic chemicals in makeup.

Childhood Vaccination Rates, a Rare Health Bright Spot in Struggling States, Are Slipping

Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia — states with some of the worst health outcomes — also have some of the highest childhood vaccination rates. But doctors and health officials worry a rising tide of vaccine skepticism is causing those public health bright spots to dim.