Category: Diabetes

Health Policy Valentines Too Sweet Not to Tweet

KHN highlights some of the creative valentines posted on Twitter by health policy enthusiasts.

I Write About America’s Absurd Health Care System. Then I Got Caught Up in It.

A KHN reporter had written for years about the people left behind by the absurdly complex and expensive U.S. health care system. Then he found himself navigating that maze as he tried to get his insulin prescription filled.

Diabetes impacts the whole body, but the foot can’t be forgotten

Diabetes is a complex yet common disease that impacts over 34 million Americans. Blood glucose is just the tip of the iceberg; related complications include neuropathy, eye disease, ketoacidosis, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and more. In fact…

Type 1 diabetes is no fun

A brown plastic bag sits atop the green dresser in my room. One side has a purple hummingbird flying above the word “Papyrus,” a store at the mall named after the material ancient Egyptians used as a written surface. The other side of the bag features …

Type 1 diabetes is no fun

A brown plastic bag sits atop the green dresser in my room. One side has a purple hummingbird flying above the word “Papyrus,” a store at the mall named after the material ancient Egyptians used as a written surface. The other side of the bag features …

‘My Time to Live’: Through Novel Program, Kidney Patients Get Palliative Care, Dialysis ’Til the End

Seattle’s Northwest Kidney Centers, which pioneered kidney failure treatment 50 years ago, now pairs dying patients with hospice services, without forcing them to forgo the comfort dialysis can provide.

Headed Away to School? Here’s What Students With Health Issues Need to Know

College and grad students with chronic health conditions as common as asthma and diabetes may need to clear hurdles to make sure their health needs are covered by insurance if they go to school far from home.

Diabetes Drug’s New Weight Loss Formula Fuels Cost-Benefit Debate

Health plans’ coverage of the medication, branded as Wegovy — which has a $1,300-a-month price tag — is not a sure thing.

CANNABIS OIL – verjüngen Sie Ihre Gelenke und bewegen Sie sich wie nie zuvor

Gelenkschmerzen können gleichzeitig sehr schwer zu ertragen und behindernd sein, insbesondere wenn es um Arthralgie geht  Jeder weiß sehr gut, dass es ein hartes Ärgernis sein kann, jeden Tag zu ertragen. Lassen Sie uns über Themen wie Schmerzen, Schwellungen, Rötungen, Bewegungsstörungen und Steifheit sprechen. All diese Dinge sind absolut nicht zu unterschätzen, aber wir müssen […]

The post CANNABIS OIL – verjüngen Sie Ihre Gelenke und bewegen Sie sich wie nie zuvor appeared first on FierceHealthFinance.

Masks at the Campfire: Summer Camps for Kids With Medical Needs Adapt to Covid

Camp Ho Mita Koda, an Ohio camp for children with diabetes, plans to host in-person camp this year despite the pandemic. It’s unusual, especially given that children under 12 likely won’t be able to get covid vaccines for months and many who attend medically focused camps could be especially vulnerable to serious covid complications. But these camps are important not just for the kids, but also for parents.