Category: Diabetes

‘An Arm and a Leg’: Checking Up on California’s DIY Insulin Project

Can’t see the audio player? Click here to listen. Click here for a transcript of the episode. This year, the state of California put up $100 million to begin manufacturing its own insulin and sell it cheaply. How’s it going to work? (Is it going to work?) The price of insulin could be the starkest example […]

BMI: The Mismeasure of Weight and the Mistreatment of Obesity

The human body mass index — a simple mathematical equation — is tied to a measure of obesity invented almost 200 years ago. On the downside, it can stand between patients and treatment for weight issues. It particularly mismeasures Black women and Asians.

Practical solutions to prevent and prepare for hypoglycemia [PODCAST]

This article is sponsored by the Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning, an independently owned and operated full-service medical education company that has been developing certified health care education for nearly twenty years. Visit the tools and…

Gluconol: Funktioniert es wirklich? Wahrheit mit Bewertungen, Kundenmeinungen und Kontraindikationen

Gluconol ist ein natürliches Ergänzungsmittel, das dem Körper hilft, den Blutzuckerspiegel zu normalisieren und die Insulinproduktion anzuregen. Es bietet eine wichtige Hilfe für Menschen, die genetisch zu Diabetes veranlagt sind und in der Regel einen hohen Blutzuckerspiegel haben. Wir wollen herausfinden, was Gluconol genau ist und warum es nützlich ist, welche Inhaltsstoffe es hat, welche […]

The post Gluconol: Funktioniert es wirklich? Wahrheit mit Bewertungen, Kundenmeinungen und Kontraindikationen appeared first on FierceHealthFinance.

Insunol Tropfen: Betrug oder funktioniert es? Wahrheit mit Kundenrezensionen und -meinungen

Insunol ist ein Präparat mit ausschließlich natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Seit Jahren forschen Experten an einer Formel, die in der Lage ist, Typ-2-Diabetes wirksam zu behandeln und den Zustand des Körpers zu verbessern, ohne Kollateralschäden zu verursachen. Laut einer von einem Wissenschaftlerteam durchgeführten Studie wird geschätzt, dass jedes Jahr Millionen von Menschen feststellen, dass sie an Typ-2-Diabetes […]

The post Insunol Tropfen: Betrug oder funktioniert es? Wahrheit mit Kundenrezensionen und -meinungen appeared first on FierceHealthFinance.

Severe hypoglycemia: Are your at-risk patients prepared?

This article is sponsored by the Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning, an independently owned and operated full-service medical education company that has been developing certified health care education for nearly twenty years. Visit the tools and…

Congressman’s Wife Died After Taking Herbal Remedy Marketed for Diabetes and Weight Loss

Lori McClintock, the wife of U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock of California, died after ingesting white mulberry leaf, according to the Sacramento County coroner. The plant is generally considered safe and is used in herbal remedies that claim to lower blood sugar, boost weight loss, and combat high cholesterol. Her death highlights the potential dangers of dietary supplements.

Listen: Can California Lower the Price of Insulin?

California Healthline senior correspondent Angela Hart describes California’s ambitious plan to manufacture generic insulin under the state’s new “CalRx” drug label.

Direct care with a podiatry twist

A patient, let’s call him Jay, came to me refusing a leg amputation. He had open sores that were necrotic, foul-smelling as if he had been neglected for a long time. At his consultation, he fought with every cell of his being, refusing to lose hi…

Seniors With Prediabetes Should Eat Better, Get Moving, but Not Fret Too Much About Diabetes

About half of adults 65 and older have above-normal blood sugar levels that put them in the prediabetes category. Although that is a signal to improve your eating habits and get more exercise, researchers say only a small percentage of the group will develop diabetes.