Category: Health Industry

Beyond Burnout: Docs Decry ‘Moral Injury’ From Financial Pressures Of Health Care

Doctors and other clinicians say they’re enduring moral injury because the business of health care interferes with patient care.

Preeminent Hospitals Penalized Over Rates Of Patients’ Injuries

Medicare cut payments for 786 hospitals because of high infection and complication rates. They included a third of the hospitals proclaimed as the nation’s best in one prominent ranking.

A Guide To Following The Health Debate In The 2020 Elections

As the Democratic primary campaign nears pivotal voting, important aspects of health care policy are being overlooked.

Trump’s Latest Health Care Challenge: Gaining Voters’ Trust

The president, who has repeatedly pledged to improve health care and lower prescription drug prices, faces disapproval from a majority of Americans on his policies regarding drug costs, protecting people with preexisting conditions and the Affordable Care Act.

Trump’s Latest Health Care Challenge: Gaining Voters’ Trust

The president, who has repeatedly pledged to improve health care and lower prescription drug prices, faces disapproval from a majority of Americans on his policies regarding drug costs, protecting people with preexisting conditions and the Affordable Care Act.

Appendicitis Is Painful — Add A $41,212 Surgery Bill To The Misery

A young man averted medical disaster after a friend took him to the nearest hospital just before his appendix burst. But more than a year later, he’s still facing a $28,000 balance bill for his out-of-network surgery.

Call For FDA To Withdraw Preterm Birth Drug Divides Doctors and Insurers

A study ordered by the Food and Drug Administration failed to prove that Makena, the only drug approved to prevent premature birth, is effective. While a panel of experts has recommended withdrawing the drug’s approval, many doctors are wary.

Despite New Doubts, ‘Hotspotting’ Help For Heavy Health Care Users Marches On

Gov. Gavin Newsom has earmarked nearly $600 million in his 2020-21 state budget plan to provide intensive care management to high-needs, high-risk patients around the state. The programs are similar to an initiative in Camden, New Jersey, that was called into question by a recent study finding hospital readmissions dropped, but at only about the same rate as patients who didn’t receive the same kind of intensive services.

How Fast Can A New Internet Standard For Sharing Patient Data Catch Fire?

The web-based standard FHIR — pronounced “fire” — could hasten the day when we can view our full medical histories on a smartphone screen. Tech giants are hungry for a piece of the pie, but obstacles remain.

No Shield From X-Rays: How Science Is Rethinking Lead Aprons

A number of radiology organizations are trying to end the decades-old practice of shielding patients from radiation with lead aprons. They say it provides no benefit and might even inadvertently expose people to higher radiation levels. But the policy about-face is moving slowly.