Category: KHN & PolitiFact HealthCheck

Bloomberg On Health Care: Translating His Mayoral Record To The National Stage

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg uses health care as a key message in his Democratic presidential primary run.

Trump’s Claim That He ‘Saved’ Preex Conditions ‘Part Fantasy, Part Delusion’

The claim, which builds on previous statements and campaign messaging, drew strong reactions.

Sanders Targets Health Industry’ Profits. Are His Figures Right?

Calculations are complicated, but correct.

Team Trump Says Administration’s Action On Health Care ‘Is Working.’ Is It?

The impact of the Trump administration’s health policies is not as clear-cut as the president’s reelection campaign suggests.

Warren’s Argument That Millions Can’t Afford Their Rx Drugs Holds Up

‘Medication insecurity’ is a thing.

Pharma’s Take On The Pelosi Drug-Pricing Bill: Fair Warning Or Fearmongering?

The pharmaceutical industry’s argument that capping drug prices would compromise drug innovation stands “on very shaky ground.”

Did Joe Biden Overstate Democratic Voters’ Opposition To ‘Medicare For All’?

The term “vast” sets a high bar. 

Do 160 Million Americans Really Like Their Health Plans? Kind Of

The context matters.

Surgeon General’s Marijuana Warning Omits Crucial Context

Surgeon General Jerome Adams said the drug has a “unique impact” on the developing brain ⁠— technically true, but neglecting a vital comparison to other drugs, as well as shortcomings in the existing research.

Warren Says Out-Of-Pocket Health Spending Will Total $11 Trillion In The Next Decade. We Checked Her Math.

Big picture remains hazy, but these numbers add up.