Category: KHN & PolitiFact HealthCheck

Warren Says Out-Of-Pocket Health Spending Will Total $11 Trillion In The Next Decade. We Checked Her Math.

Big picture remains hazy, but these numbers add up.

Biden Gets Too Specific On ‘Medicare For All’ Tax Hikes

It comes down to questionable methodology.

Health Care Stayed Front And Center At Democratic Debate

The topic, which polls show is top of mind among voters, kept returning throughout the fourth debate of Democratic presidential candidates.

Trump Speech Offers Dizzying Preview Of His Health Care Campaign Strategy

The president’s outline of key health policy concerns touched on a variety of hot-button issues from drug prices to immigration.

Obesity Stigma And Yo-Yo Dieting, Not BMI, Are Behind Chronic Health Conditions, Dietitian Claims

With nearly 72% of U.S. adults considered overweight or obese, the pressing question is: Is it possible to be overweight and healthy at the same time? The science falls short.

Obesity Stigma And Yo-Yo Dieting, Not BMI, Are Behind Chronic Health Conditions, Dietitian Claims

With nearly 72% of U.S. adults considered overweight or obese, the pressing question is: Is it possible to be overweight and healthy at the same time? The science falls short.

Do 50 Million People Really Lose Health Coverage Each Year Because Of Their Jobs?

Sen Bernie Sanders’ statement during Thursday night’s Democratic debate serves up interesting data, with a side of misrepresentation.

Despite Repeated Calls For Unity, Democrats Throw Some Debate Punches On Health Plans

When it came to health plans, there were big ideas and big numbers, even though fewer candidates were on the stage. ,

Doctors Argue Plans To Remedy Surprise Medical Bills Will ‘Shred’ The Safety Net

A case of questionable logic.

Doctors Argue Plans To Remedy Surprise Medical Bills Will ‘Shred’ The Safety Net

A case of questionable logic.