Category: states

As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children

A KHN investigation found that more than 2,000 schools have spent millions of dollars for systems, lured by air purifier companies’ claims that experts say mislead or obscure the potential for harm from toxic ozone.

As Vaccine Demand Slows, Political Differences Go on Display in California Counties

California officials are optimistic they can vaccinate millions more before hitting a hard wall of vaccine resistance.

CVS and Walgreens Have Wasted More Vaccine Doses Than Most States Combined

More than 200,000 doses of covid vaccine have gone to waste since December, KHN has learned. Two national pharmacy chains account for most of it.

The Vulnerable Homebound Are Left Behind on Vaccination

Even as the nation has moved on to vaccinating everyone 16 and older, the vast majority of people homebound due to frailty or age — and among the most vulnerable to covid’s devastation — have not yet been vaccinated. California offers a sharp lens on the challenges.

The Vulnerable Homebound Are Left Behind on Vaccination

Even as the nation has moved on to vaccinating everyone 16 and older, the vast majority of people homebound due to frailty or age — and among the most vulnerable to covid’s devastation — have not yet been vaccinated. California offers a sharp lens on the challenges.

Addiction Treatment Providers in Pa. Face Little State Scrutiny Despite Harm to Clients

Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has allowed providers to continue operating despite repeated violations and harm to clients.

What a Difference a Year Makes in Colorado’s Case for a Public Option Plan

Before the pandemic, Colorado was building momentum to pass what’s known as a “public option” health plan that would lower insurance premiums and force hospitals to accept lower payments. But now with hospitals and health care providers enjoying support as front-line heroes in the pandemic, state legislators have stripped the option from their bill.

Some County Jail Inmates See Vaccination as Ticket to a Better Life — In the State Pen

In the Los Angeles County Jail system, many inmates hope being vaccinated will get them transferred more quickly to state prison. Some just want to protect themselves against covid, while others are distrustful and refuse vaccination.

Covid Forces Cohousing Communities to Examine Shared Values and Relationships

How do dozens of people living communally decide what to do during a public health crisis when members have varying tolerance for risk and different opinions about safe practices?

In Poisoned Montana Town, Warren Buffett-Owned Railroad Accuses Clinic of Medicare Fraud

BNSF Railway accuses the Center for Asbestos Related Disease of Medicare fraud by misdiagnosing and overtreating asbestos-caused illnesses, which the health clinic calls a cynical attempt by the company to limit its own liability.