Category: states

Medi-Cal Agency’s New Head Wants to Tackle Disparities and Racism

Will Lightbourne, the new director of the California Department of Health Care Services, says government must address the racial disparities laid bare by COVID-19 and improve care for the state’s most vulnerable residents.

Namaste Noir: Yoga Co-Op Seeks to Diversify Yoga to Heal Racialized Trauma

In dealing with her son’s violent murder, fear over the coronavirus pandemic and the stress of coping with systemic racism, Beverly Grant has found strength and peace through yoga. The Denver native is part of a yoga co-op seeking to bring the ancient practice to more diverse communities as a health care tool.

Namaste Noir: Yoga Co-Op Seeks to Diversify Yoga to Heal Racialized Trauma

In dealing with her son’s violent murder, fear over the coronavirus pandemic and the stress of coping with systemic racism, Beverly Grant has found strength and peace through yoga. The Denver native is part of a yoga co-op seeking to bring the ancient practice to more diverse communities as a health care tool.

Where Mask-Wearing Isn’t Gospel: Colorado Churches Grapple With Reopening

Long considered one of the country’s evangelical strongholds, Colorado Springs cautiously returned to church after nearly two months without religious gatherings. But how congregations are handling Colorado’s new mask rules varies in this conservative city.

Analysis: When Is a Coronavirus Test Not a Coronavirus Test?

If it takes 12 days to get results, testing is basically pointless.

In Texas, More People Are Losing Their Health Insurance as COVID Cases Climb

During the pandemic, nearly 700,000 additional Texans have lost health insurance. The Lone Star State already had more uninsured people than any other. It has given people with COVID symptoms pause before seeking medical care.

The COVID-19 Downturn Triggers Jump in Medicaid Enrollment

For the first time since 2017, Medicaid enrollment has begun increasing again, but not by as much as many analysts expected.

Last Thing Patients Need During Pandemic: Being Last to Know a Doctor Left Network

Health plan network changes occur all the time as doctors retire, relocate or leave networks. Unfortunately, patients may be the last to find out about such changes because there are often few requirements that either providers or insurers inform them.

Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen

Newsletter editor Lauren Olsen wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.

Sex In The Time Of COVID: Gay Men Begin To Embrace A ‘New Normal’

Like other people, many men who have sex with men have done all they could to avoid the coronavirus. Now some are braving renewed contact while balancing risk.