Category: COVID-19

COVID Tests Are Free, Except When They’re Not

Her doctor worried she had COVID-19 but couldn’t test her for it until she ruled out other things. That test cost a bundle.

Widely Used Surgical Masks Are Putting Health Care Workers At Serious Risk

Because high-end N95 masks are scarce, medical centers are using surgical masks that have been linked to considerably higher infection rates.

Lawmaker Pushing Mental Health Reform: It’s ‘More Needed Than Ever’

Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked lawmakers to pare down their legislative wish lists and focus on the state’s coronavirus response. But state Sen. Jim Beall plans to forge ahead with his mental health care proposals, including a measure to create a state mental health parity requirement.

Amid Coronavirus Distress, Wealthy Hospitals Hoard Millions

As the coronavirus threatens the finances of thousands of hospitals, wealthy ones that can draw on millions — and even billions — of dollars in savings are in competition with near-insolvent hospitals for limited pots of financial relief.

Consumer Beware: Coronavirus Antibody Tests Are Still A Work In Progress

Public officials are putting high hopes on new blood tests as a means of determining who has developed antibodies to COVID-19, and with those antibodies, presumed immunity. But experts caution the tests are largely unreliable and the science is still catching up.

‘An Arm And A Leg’: What A Fleet Of Firetrucks Can Teach About Public Health

This week on “An Arm and a Leg,” a front-line physician wonders if the health care industry’s drive for “efficiency” has robbed the system of surge capacity, leaving the nation underprepared to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Telehealth Will Be Free, No Copays, They Said. But Angry Patients Are Getting Billed.

Politicians pledged to stop providers from charging for video appointments or telephone calls, but some patients are being charged $70 or $80 per virtual visit.

Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes

Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.

Born Into A Pandemic: Virus Complicates Births For Moms And Babies

COVID-19 is changing medical care, not only for vulnerable elders but also for pregnant women and their babies entering the world.

Vaping, Opioid Addiction Accelerate Coronavirus Risks, Says NIDA Director

Dr. Nora Volkow, who heads the National Institute on Drug Abuse, details how emerging science points to added challenges for these patient populations and the public health system.