Category: Diabetes

A return to the problem-oriented SOAP note

CMS is changing note requirements, among other changes.  Bob Doherty has a wonderful summary: “Medicare’s historic proposal to change how it pays physicians.” As always, we really will have a difficult time sorting out the unintended consequences of these changes, but they certainly seem like a move in the proper direction.  To me the most […]

Patients are more than lab results

I loved my endocrinology block in medical school. It was one of my favorite units. One hormone acts on another gland, which either induces a positive feedback releasing its successor hormone or a negative feedback blocking its predecessor. It was step-by-step. It was straightforward. I loved the material so much that I reached out to […]

Retooled Vaccine Raises Hopes As A Lower-Cost Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes

The vaccine, BCG, is relatively cheap. But experts caution the therapy could be overhyped and, if proven effective, wind up overpriced.

Rx: Zucchini, Brown Rice, Turkey Soup. Medicaid Plan Offers Food As Medicine.

A small group of insurers offers some members with serious illnesses medically tailored meals to improve their health.