Category: Health Industry

Massachusetts Stroke Patient Receives ‘Outrageous’ $474,725 Medical Flight Bill

After a 34-year-old woman suffered a stroke in Kansas, doctors there arranged for her to be transferred to a Boston hospital, via an Angel MedFlight Learjet. The woman and her father believed the cost of the medical flight would be covered by her private insurance. Then they got the bill.

Year One Of KHN’s ‘Bill Of The Month’: A Kaleidoscope Of Financial Challenges

A crowdsourced investigation in which we dissect, investigate and explain medical bills you send us.

5 Ways Nixing The Affordable Care Act Could Upend The Entire Health System

There could be a long legal struggle ahead over the decision by a judge in Texas to invalidate the federal health law. But if his decision stands, it would have long-lasting effects on health care from insurance coverage to Medicare payments to privacy protections.

After Her Skiing Accident, An Uphill Battle Over Snowballing Bills

She took a bad fall on the slopes and her surgeon used a metal plate to put the splintered bones of her leg back together. When that device failed less than four months later, she and her insurer had to pay full price for the replacement plate.

Health Care Is Where The Jobs Are. But What Kind Of Jobs?

The health care industry adds thousands of jobs to the economy each month. While they aren’t all doctors and nurses, they aren’t all paper pushers either.

For The Asking, A Check Is In The Mail To Help Pay For Costly Drugs

It’s a little-known secret that patients can get thousands of dollars directly from a drugmaker.

One Implant, Two Prices. It Depends On Who’s Paying.

Breast implants — used for both cancer and cosmetic surgeries — give a glimpse into how hospitals mark up prices of medical devices to increase their bottom lines.

One Implant, Two Prices. It Depends On Who’s Paying.

Breast implants — used for both cancer and cosmetic surgeries — give a glimpse into how hospitals mark up prices of medical devices to increase their bottom lines.

More Than Half Of California Nursing Homes Balk At Stricter Staffing Rules

Patient advocates say the state’s new staffing regulations are a good start toward better protecting the frail, but the nursing home industry contends they’re too burdensome.

Medicare Cuts Payments To Nursing Homes Whose Patients Keep Ending Up In Hospital

The incentive program to discourage nursing homes from discharging patients too quickly will also give bonuses to facilities with fewer rehospitalizations.