Category: Public Health

Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ ‘Medicare-For-All’ Debate: Who’s Going To Pay

Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post and Jennifer Haberkorn of the Los Angeles Times join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss the new “Medicare-for-all” bill introduced by House Democrats, the grilling of pharmaceutical company CEOs by a Senate committee and new Trump administration rules that take aim at Planned Parenthood. Plus, Rovner interviews KHN’s Julie Appleby about the latest “Bill of the Month” installment.

Listening To Older Patients Who Want To Stop Dialysis

Older adults with advanced kidney disease sometimes want to stop dialysis but often meet resistance from doctors, new research shows. We explore options available to these patients, including conservative care.

Despite 1991 Ruling, Foes Of New Family Planning Rules See Law On Their Side

Lawyers seeking to block the Trump administration’s decision to alter rules for the Title X family planning program say their efforts will not be stymied by the Supreme Court’s approval of similar rules 28 years ago. They point to new protections enacted in the Affordable Care Act and language in funding bills that shifts the legal calculus.

A Parent-To-Parent Campaign To Get Vaccine Rates Up

Kim Nelson started the group South Carolina Parents for Vaccines after learning that religious exemptions from vaccine requirements were way up in her community.

A Parent-To-Parent Campaign To Get Vaccine Rates Up

Kim Nelson started the group South Carolina Parents for Vaccines after learning that religious exemptions from vaccine requirements were way up in her community.

HHS Finalizes Rule Seeking To Expel Planned Parenthood From Family Planning Program

The new regulation would drop previous rules for the Title X program requiring that women with unintended pregnancies be told about all options, including abortion. It would also mandate that organizations separate facilities providing federally funded services and those providing abortions.

Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ How Safe Are Your Supplements?

Alice Ollstein of Politico, Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner and Anna Edney of Bloomberg News join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss the latest national health spending estimates, another FDA crackdown on dietary supplements and lawsuits between insurers and the federal government that could result in a windfall for consumers.

Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Is Striking For School Nurses The Way To Go?

Inspired by Los Angeles teachers, who were promised 300 more school nurses after striking last month, unions in Denver, Oakland, Calif., and beyond are demanding more school nurses or better compensation for them.

More States Say Doctors Must Offer Overdose Reversal Drug Along With Opioids

In an emerging new tactic against the rising toll of opioid deaths, California, Ohio, Virginia and Arizona are among the states requiring physicians to offer patients naloxone when they give them prescriptions for the powerful painkillers. The Food and Drug Administration is weighing a national recommendation to do so.

Trump Plan To Beat HIV Hits Rough Road In Rural America

Health officials and doctors treating patients with HIV welcome the funding push, but warn that the strategies that work in progressive cities don’t necessarily translate to rural areas.