Category: Cost and Quality

Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes

Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.

Analysis: A Health Care Overhaul Could Kill 2 Million Jobs, And That’s OK

Reform has a cost. But the point of a health care system is to treat patients, not to buttress the economy.

Sen. Alexander Releases Bipartisan Plan To Lower Health Costs, End Surprise Bills

The Republican’s legislation, prepared with Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on Alexander’s health committee, would be an ambitious lift because it also deals with prescription drug patents, health transparency and vaccine messaging.

Coming Soon: ‘An Arm And A Leg’ Season Two

Health care — and how much it costs — is scary. But you’re not alone with this stuff, and knowledge is power. “An Arm and a Leg” is a podcast about all these issues, and its second season, co-produced by Kaiser Health News, starts on June 4.

House Hagglers Zero In On Single-Payer And It All Comes Down To Two Little Words

At Wednesday’s House Budget Committee, Congressional Budget Office experts outlined the complexities of implementing an overhaul of America’s health insurance system.

Are Surprises Ahead For Legislation To Curb Surprise Medical Bills?

This high-profile issue has gained bipartisan attention, but it remains unclear if that’s enough to move it to the finish line. Here’s a review of the current state of play.

Are Surprises Ahead For Legislation To Curb Surprise Medical Bills?

This high-profile issue has gained bipartisan attention, but it remains unclear if that’s enough to move it to the finish line. Here’s a review of the current state of play.

Listen: After Its Hospital Closes, A Pioneer Kansas Town Searches For What Comes Next

Deep questions underlie what is happening in Fort Scott, Kan.: Do small communities like this one need a traditional hospital at all? And, if not, what health care do they need?

How To Find And Use New Federal Ratings For Rehab Services At Nursing Homes

For the first time, the federal government is measuring the quality of rehab services in nursing homes for the millions of older adults who need post-hospitalization care.

‘Living Their Values’: Palliative Care Power Couple Faces Cancer At Home

Kathy Brandt and Kim Acquaviva are both leaders in the world of hospice and palliative care. When Brandt learned she was dying of ovarian cancer, the couple decided it could be a teachable moment.